Safety Tips for Your Holiday Roof-Decorations
In the next month or so, a majority of us will start to decorate our homes with holiday decorations. For some, this is as simple as a fresh pine tree with twinkling lights, but for others, the decorations are a bit more extreme. As a roofing company in Fort Collins, we have seen some pretty incredible decorations — ones that require effort!
Some of our favorite decorations include sleighs and reindeer on the roof or blow up Santas that are ready to head down the chimney. While we do love to see these decorations every year, there’s no denying that they can be dangerous to put up. With that being said, we absolutely want you to let your holiday spirit show this season; we simply want to ensure that you’re safe doing so. That is why, in today’s blog, we are going to go over a few safety tips for you to keep in mind while putting up your holiday decorations; let’s dive right in.
Use the Right Sized Ladder
In order to get on the roof, you’re going to need a ladder that is sturdy enough to hold your weight and reaches the roof. If you don’t have a ladder that meets these requirements, do not use a different ladder to try and complete the task. Whether you need to go out and purchase a new one or you ask to borrow your neighbors, you need a ladder that meets these requirements. Trust us, you’ll be glad that you have the right sized ladder regardless of how hard you have to work to get the right size; it’s so much better (and safer) than the alternative!
Check Ladder Placement
Once you have a ladder that you know is going to get you to your roof safely, you want to make sure that you place it safely. This entails secure grounding so that the ladder doesn’t shake or move while you’re climbing up it or once you’re already on the roof. Aside from checking the placement and making sure that the ladder is secure on the ground, it never hurts to have someone that holds the ladder in place while you work your way up the ladder. If there’s someone at home that can do this for you, take advantage of the help!
Use Approved Lights
When determining which decorations you’d like to install on your roof, you want to make sure that they’re approved for being placed on a roof. As we’ve seen in recent years, the holiday decorations that are lit up around the clock have an increased chance of heating up and causing a fire. Even if the decorations are going to be outside, there’s still a chance of them heating up so you want to ensure that they are approved roof decorations.
Aside from temperature being a factor that you need to be cautious of, you also want to make sure that the decorations that you’re putting up aren’t going to damage your roof in any way. The last thing that you want is a house that stands out, but shingles that will need to be completely replaced. Again, this can be avoided by only putting up decorations that are approved for placement on roofs. By sticking to these decorations, not only are you ensuring your safety, but you can know with confidence that your roof won’t be damaged after the holiday season has come and gone.
Have Your Roof Inspected
Safety is definitely something that needs to be kept in mind while putting up decorations, but it doesn’t stop at the ladder or the way that you move on the roof. In fact, we would argue that one of the most important safety factors that needs to be considered is the overall well-being of your roof. Over time, your roof can start to show signs of wear and tear due to Mother Nature and the storms she brings on. While it may not seem like a big deal, this can lead to weak spots in your roof, broken shingles, water damage, and the like.
To avoid any damage happening while you’re on the roof placing your decorations, contact your local roofing company and have them perform a routine inspection on your roof. This will help you catch any issues before they become full-blown problems, but it will also ensure that you’re standing on a safe surface while putting your decorations up.
Contact Denali Roofing
When you need a professional to look at your roof, look no further than the team at Denali Roofing. As the Top Rated Local® Residential Roofing Company in Fort Collins, we are proud to provide quality roofing services to the homes that we work on. Whether you need maintenance on your roof or you’re looking for a free inspection, we have got you taken care of. Contact our team, and we would be more than happy to answer any questions or get your inspection scheduled for you.
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